Monday, September 19, 2016

The Power of God

                                                                                                               Sept. 12, 2016

Hola Familia!

How are you all? I'm sorry I am really short on time, but I will try my best to share a few things from this week!
First of all, this week we taught Paul about the Book of Mormon more and his Dad joined us during the lesson. His pastor discouraged him about the book and he said this might be our last visit but we managed to take out another appointment with him for this week so we will see! We invited them both to read and pray in order to know for themselves so hopefully they will receive the answer they need!
We also started teaching an English class on Tuesday and it was only about 6 people but hopefully it will grow! We are trying to use it to find new people to teach and also help people become friends with Claudia and Ximena. We taught them the law of chastity Saturday night and Claudia said about halfway through the lesson that this is impossible. I testified to her of the promise in 1 Nephi 3:7. We will receive no commandment that the Lord does not intend for us to keep, and he will always provide a way. They committed to live it and they are progressing well! Ximena read three extra chapters of the Book of Mormon more than what we had asked her and I think they are gradually gaining a testimony of it. They have a baptismal date for the first of October, but they need to attend church two more times to accomplish this goal so pray that they can come to church these next two Sundays!
We are also teaching a young man named Immanuel, who is 15 years old. He has been coming to church for years but no one knew he wasn't a member. As we taught him about the restoration this week for the first time, we discovered that he cannot read. This was both shocking and humbling to me and it makes teaching him a lot harder, but he is really smart and I know the lord will provide a way!
Last night we had a noche de hermanamiento at a less active family´s house. We usually have them every Sunday night. Basically the whole ward is invited and we all introduce ourselves, listen to a message from the bishopric, and then play a group game and eat some food. It was a really great opportunity to get to know the ward and it was a lot of fun. One of our investigators came and honestly it was a big success for the less actives as well. At the end of whatever weird game we were playing, I lost one round so I had to accept a punishment. The ward members decided I would have to pour a glass of water on my head. I stood in the middle of the huge circle of 50 members and poured water on myself. It was really awkward and funny haha. 
Anyway, I am doing so much better and starting to enjoy it here more! The people are great and we found a few new families to teach this week. Elder Sierra has been here for 9 months so it is likely he will be transferred in 3 weeks, but we are making the most of our time together haha.

Elder Sierra and I got creative as we continued to practice our teaching skills. 
He is really funny and a great trainer and we work well together so I am really grateful for him.
Thank you for your love and prayers! Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Elder Harris

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